poniedziałek, 7 maja 2012

Dotarłam bezpiecznie / Arrived safely

English below

Dotarłam bezpiecznie. Wszystko w porządku. Internet jest rzadkością i działa b. wolno (10 min. na otwarcie 1 maila). Mój polski telefon nie działa. Wszystkie SMS-y wysłane do mnie 3 maja i później nie dotarły. Mój malawijski nr tel. kom.: +265 996 30 28 79. Udało mi się uruchomić iPhone'a i może wreszcie będę mogła robić lepsze zdjęcia.

* * *
Arrived safely. Everything is fine. The internet connection is rare and slowly. My Polish number doesn't work. Here's my Malawian mobile no: +265 996 30 28 79. Managed to make the iPhone work, so there is hope I will be able to make better photos.

Impressions from the bus from Lilongwe to Mzuzu: the bus moved only when all sitting and standing places had been taken (I was prepared for it). The front seats are filled with all kind of goods
My first contact with Malawians was extremely positive. Billy, a co-traveller on the picture, took care of me during the journey: he explained what's going on (police roadblocks etc.), told me about places we went through, told me a lot about Malawi and made sure the vendors selling food on the way didn't overcharge me.

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